-The other day in the grocery store a man commented to his wife "hey honey...it would actually be cheaper if we could put milk in our gas tank". Sure enough I looked at the price of 1 gallon of milk ($3.29) and compared it to the $89.95 it took to fill my tank the day before (at $3.89/gal). I remember an ad in the newspaper several years back to keep people from complaining about gas prices and they used milk as an example. If you think gas is expensive, imagine if you had to fill your tank with milk. That would be nearly $3 a gallon. I would gladly fill my tank with milk. Could I use the expired stuff in my fridge?
-Also the other day, at a local Starbucks (around 9:30 AM), a mom walks in with her obese daughter. Daughter looked to be maybe 9 or 10. Mom wasn't thin, but not huge. Anyway, she orders herself a tall non-fat latte, then proceeds to order her daughter a grande hot chocolate...extra whip. Then says "oh and a donut". Hunh??? Why don't you just order her a side of diabetes and a heart attack with it lady...you are killing your offspring.
-My 11 month old and 22 month old wear the same size in clothes right now.
-My 8 year old is almost as tall as his best friend's mother and is one shoe size away from men's footwear. Do they put miracle grow in Fruity Pebbles?
-On a random day at 2 pm in Texas, in the middle of June, it was 72 degrees. Sweet!
-I'm getting a bikini wax this Friday. When I made the appt. they tried to sell me a .5 oz vial of "numbing creme" for the pain for the bargain price of $17. I said no thanks and proceeded to drive across the street to Wal Mart and buy the same stuff, in a 6 oz bottle for $3. Highway robbery at best.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
WTF??? (and other random thoughts)
Posted by
Duchess of Insanity
5:44 PM
Monday, June 16, 2008
Holy canoli!
Has it really been 4 weeks since my last post? I was catching up on Elastigirl's blog, and saw that it had been awhile since an update. Since most of you read my family blog...you know I have been busy with 3 kids at home this summer. If you don't read it...and want to see the babes, check it out here. What is my excuse for not blogging? I don't really have a good one.
My baby started walking, and climbing which could be it's own post... complete with expletives. One day while sitting inside amongst a few girlfriends, I looked out at her and she was standing on the kid's patio furniture. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph...how did she get up there, I wondered quietly to myself??? Before screaming at three adult males (including her father) "someone get the baby!!!!!". Do they not see these things? Do all parental skills fly out the window the minute you put a beer and a grill tool in their hands? Do they see an 11month old dancing on a chair and dismiss it as normal? Are they normal? Don't answer that.
I have also been going to the gym everyday (not weekends) to make up for my complete lack of commitment to my goals and thus, my jello-like physique. We leave for the coast this weekend, and I wanted to be solid. As my trainer always says, "I don't care how big it is, as long as it doesn't jiggle". I know here are people out there rolling their eyes at me right now as they read this... I am hard on myself when it comes to fitness. It's my only hobby right now since my choir totally went defunct. Fitness is all I have outside of my family duties...and I feel like I have failed. Here is my take on it. People will spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on cars, shoes, jewelry, etc...but many spend very little time or money on their body...their health...their livelihood. You get one body to last your lifetime. How long will you keep your car??? House? last year's Coach purse??? Exactly. I DID get the Duke to sign up for the gym, and we have been training together. That is a lot of fun and I am so excited he is working out for his health and well-being. What a great thing for couples to do together!!!
My third and lamest excuse is that my 3 children at home, and the chores that come with them...are exhausting. The floors....OMG the floors....!!!! Did you know it only takes ants 5 minutes and 24 seconds to locate a dropped piece of waffle on the floor. They are everywhere....the floors....did I mention I hate them??? My brain does not work so well right now. Thoughts are mostly garbled junk, interspersed with a random brilliant idea...that fades silently with the lack of motivation I feel right now. I have not forgotten about you, all two of my loyal readers...I'm just lazy.
Shouldn't bloggers follow the lead of prime time TV and just show repeats during the summer? How would that work? Highlights from the past year? Low lights? Crap...I need to get my hair done.....
Posted by
Duchess of Insanity
9:01 PM