Just wanted to say that while I was at the gym the Duke cleaned the kitchen for me. It's the little things in life these days that just brighten my day! :)
Also, for those of you who are not from around these parts, we had our Annual service of Lessons and Carols. The Duke directed a small ensemble that I was allowed to sing in. It was the most fun I have ever had singing. I got to help pick out all of the music. Between us and the big choir, we offered music from the 10th century to the 20th! How amazing is that? There were a few parts that didn't learn their music well, but some of the pieces were so pretty and moving.
The Duke and I sang a duet together for the first time ever 'There is No Rose of Swych Vertu'. It's a medieval piece of music that is just beautiful in text and harmonies. I had a god friend today tell me that it was really romantic and sweet when we started singing together, and another friend told me that she actually got teary at that moment the other night.
I had a great time and wish we could do it more often! It was very fulfilling for me at a time where I really needed something great. Thanks Duke.....YOU ROCK!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Made my week!
Posted by
Duchess of Insanity
4:05 PM
Can I get a freakin' hand around here?
Have you ever realized that everything you do around your house is magically reversed...within a matter of seconds. Then you finally resign yourself to just living in pure filth?
My husband had the nerve to ask me this morning when we were going to put up the Christmas tree. I smirked, then kindly said "When this family decides they can help get this disaster cleaned up". When I get stressed about the house he always says "get a maid to come over". Well, right now she wouldn't even be able to get to the filth. They don't pick people's crap up....that is every one's own job.
When I kindly asked 9 year old why he has not cleaned his room (after weeks of being asked) he said "It's too hard". Hmmmm, I might give that same response when people ask me why they don't have Christmas presents.
Also having a ridiculous hard time with the job. With the Duke working on harpsichords nearly everyday, I don't have the time it needs from me. There are also a number of financial issues I won't even bother to address on here.
Let's just say....stress is in the air. I need a kickboxing class.....quick!
Posted by
Duchess of Insanity
11:16 AM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Everything I ever needed to know about life I learned from a turtle
My girls are obsessed with the Wonder Pets. We watch it several times a day. The littlest runs up to the TV clapping and yelling "Ming ming!!!" (one of the characters). Each episode these pets; a guinea pig, a duckling, and a turtle save the day when they rescue an animal in trouble....AND they sing operatic tunes while doing so! It's actually one of the more tolerable shows on.
Last night they had their Christmas special, "The Wonder Pets Save the Nutcracker". I was rolling my eyes as the girls asked to watch it for the 4th time today. But, I found hidden meaning in it.
Some of the quotes from turtle Tuck during the show:
"So you're down because you have 1 present just 1...well 1 present is better than none!"
"If you have a warm place to sleep in at night, you really have it alright"
"Be happy with what you have"
Hmmmmm....a theme here? They are quite brilliant cute fluffy things. Maybe they should have the Wonder Pets "Save the Economy"

Posted by
Duchess of Insanity
5:53 PM