Ever feel toxic? I do after I eat a lotof junk, or visit my home state of CA where the air pollution has been known to give a non-smoker lung cancer. We live in a toxic world. Everything is modified from it's natural state to be "better". But it's hurting our insides. Before we start looking ugly on the outside, a process is starting inside. Fatty fried foods can cause gallstones and "fatty" liver. Our skin becomes oily, cloudy, broken out. Finally we start the bloat and weight gain that comes with eating bad things.
To combat this process, I recommend a product called Mega-cleanse by Body Dynamics. I have used it for years (except when pregnant or nursing) and recently started back on it. The first time I took it, (back in 2002) I lost a total of 10 pounds. Since then I have not been using it to lose weight, but just a maintenance dose of 1-2 tablets a day to feel great. Now I am starting back on the regime to help lose the weight and clean up my systems.
If you decide to try, read the warnings on the web about how you may feel in the first few days. It's normal, and can be helped by backing off on the dose. I usually break out and have headaches the first few days I start back on it. It has helped me get off the sugar and caffeine crutch before. Give it a try!!!
You can buy Mega cleanse at most health food stores, but I have not found it before at sprouts. My favorite store to purchase from is Healthkick Nutrition in Flower Mound. They not only know their products well, but are a wealth of health information regarding supplements.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Cleansing for a healthier you
Posted by
Duchess of Insanity
3:21 PM
Monday, January 12, 2009
Plans for the week of Jan 12
Here is the accountability part. I am planning on posting my plans. He he.
For this week:
Mon- Weight workout (push* muscles) + 20 mins of cardio - completed YAY!
Tues- Pull* muscles before spin class
Wed- Day of rest
Thurs- Spin class
Fri- 75 min Total Body conditioning class or barbell sculpt
Sat- Walk with family (weather permitting)
Sun- Day of rest
*Some people/trainers prefer working out alternating upper and lower body muscles on different days. I prefer the push/pull method. Day 1 you work out all the muscles that "push": Chest, triceps, leg press, lunges, quads, etc. Day 2 you workout muscles that "pull": back, biceps, shoulders, hamstrings
Still working on this for the week, but today I have had a protein smoothie for BF, will eat a salad with grilled chicken for lunch and broiled tilapia fillets for dinner with quinoa and salad w/ fresh tomatoes.
Will get back to you on the rest.
Peace of mind-
Had coffee in a sunny window this morning (too cold to actually go outside) with no children or husband around. It was nice. While pumping gas, I stood and faced the sun so my body could produce healthy vitamin D! I feel good today. Muscles a little weary, body a little fatigued, but I feel good.
Posted by
Duchess of Insanity
1:04 PM
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Happy New Year!
Yes I know....long time, no post.
I love the new year! Aside from my B-day being in January (and thus the cringing at being 1 year older) I feel like it is a new start. A fresh slate. We clean up the glorious Christmas celebrations, pack them away for another time, reflect on the year past, and then we wonder...what now?
As I mentioned awhile back, I started a new business venture. All the necessary training and teacher interviews have been completed and this year I get to start having classes meet! How fun! I love watching kids absorb information. While I am not teaching class myself (I require my teachers to be fluent and prefer them to be native speakers), I will sit in on the first few classes to see how my teachers are doing, how the kids are reacting, if the parents have any concerns, and just enjoy. So, that is one of the peaks of this year. Now, if I could just get any students....
The theme of my new year is about health of body, mind, and soul.
Health of body
I have decided that enough is enough...the baby weight has got to go! I have a plan! I have the motivation. I just need to commit. I took the plunge starting Sunday. I went shopping and decided I would plan meals every weekend for the following week. There would be one day I would consider as "free" and that would be a macaroni or eating out day. Problem is that my children (and husband) do not need to count calories or fat grams...and I do. So we many times will eat different things. Plus, the Duke works late on most evenings and I can't keep the kids from eating for that long. So, if I make broiled fish....the children usually get broiled chicken tenders several hours before. Another pitfall: last night was free night since Duke was out of town...and we had pizza. Bad choice.
I plan to enroll each of my children in at least one activity that requires them to move. Drama is already in swimming and a member of his school's basketball skills team. The girls will take Mommy and Me French classes as soon as I get them started. The classes have them dancing and jumping all over the place. I want them to learn from young age that exercise can be fun. Weather-permitting I would like to take a walk or two a week with kids in tow. It's wonderful to watch them explore on these "nature walks". The diabetes gene looms in my family DNA. I also had GD while pregnant with #2 so staying healthy is of key importance for me and my family.
Health of mind:
Organization. Cleaner house. Less clutter. Stay on top of the messes. Get more help around the house.
I need a 2009 calendar in front of me to start scheduling things. The one thing I have found is that if you schedule something in advance, you are more likely to do it. Too many times I have told a friend "Let's do lunch next week"....and it never happens. Plan ahead. I found a friend who enjoys spin classes as much as I do and we meet at class every Tues/Thurs afternoon. Knowing someone is holding me accountable has made me show up at that class more often than any other I have planned on.
Another area of focus: count to 10 before exploding (we taught Drama how to do this. Mom should practice what she teaches!). Angry parents teach angry children.
My plan: (In random order)
Schedule healthy fun meals, plan and shop. Keep healthy snacks around.
Schedule workouts.
Workout at least 4 times a week.
Accountability- take before/during/after pics.
Rewards for sticking with it- Non-food things....like skinny jeans, jewelry, new workout clothes.
Put as much time as I can into getting the business up and running.
Schedule fun time with family and friends.
Schedule dates with the Duke.
Schedule God time.
My blog for awhile will probably be focused on the daily life of a mom balancing life. Hope you enjoy the reads, and maybe find some inspiration of your own!
Posted by
Duchess of Insanity
12:46 PM