Yeah right. Not if you have kids. Here is a synopsis of my day of amore.
Let me first set the day up for you. Darling Duke had the day off, with the exception of haircut and 4 student make-up lessons in the evening. We had plans to take the girls to the park and go to lunch together.
6:30 Am- TB wakes up for nursing....but she is WIDE AWAKE.
6:45- Give TB a toy in bed and hope she plays quietly.
7:00- Wake up Drama.
7:15- Realize I forgot to have him make his V-day mailbox
7:20- Furiously start putting together a mailbox complete with stickers and decorations worthy of the best 2nd grade Valentines.
7:45-Finish box...feed DK....
7:55- Run out the door in pjs and house shoes. Walk DK to corner, watch him cross street and wave bye quickly as I realize people are looking at me strangely.
8:15- Re-nurse TB. She falls asleep. Thank God!
10:15- Hear SS stirring. Look at clock....freak out that it is so late.
10:20- Check on TB, she is up and playing in her crib.
10:30- make coffee, feed girls
10:45- SS dumps bowl of syrup on her head.
Give SS a bath.
11:15- Call my dad about looking at the D's brakes. He wants to work on it now...b/c it will be much colder this weekend.
11:20- Realize my sweet baby Sunshine is 18 months old today and get a little teary while combing her hair.
11:45- shower
12:45- Receive disturbing phone call from a fellow 2nd grade mom who says her son learned the "F" word from my son when he heard him "whisper" to a friend. Am shocked that he even knows this word. And....mortified.
1:00- Leave for dad's house. The Duke follows me. Dad says it's brakes. He will rotate tire while we eat.
1:30- Quick extremely unromantic lunch at Quiznos. Hardly got to speak to the Duke as my two little hatchlings were screaming for the food off of my plate.
2:15- Dad not finished with car
2:30- The Duke drops SS and I off at DK's school for his class party.
3:00- Walk home. Finally put SS down for a nap....TB still has not had one. Duke leaves for haircut.
4:00- Duke walks in a new man. Totally cut off his semi-long hair. Wow...he looks hot! Happy V-day!
4:15- But wait....we have to leave to take him to get his car so he can teach.
Wake up SS (she was so not ready)...pack car with kids.
4:30- Decide to just stay at mom and dad's for awhile. TB sleeps for 15 minutes.
6:15- Feed children.
7:00- Go home. Finish homework with Drama. Wrap gifts for Darling Duke.
7:45- Duke gets home. With gifts for kids. And me...YAY! WE all open gifts and have fun family time.
8:15- Until SS gets cranky due to lack of sleep and I start to take her t0 bed.
8:16- But she wants daddy to put her down.
8:40- Duke leaves to pick up Chinese/Sushi order from new restaurant close by.
8:45- Realize Drama never ate. He was at his cousin's house. Make fast micro pizza. (I'm such a good
9:00- Send DK to bed. SS wont fall asleep. Neither will TB.
Duke brings food home.....and pours glasses of wine. We try to eat together.
But SS is STILL crying. I eat my appetizers while I wait for him to rock her to sleep..
They aren't very good.
9:10- Duke comes down. SS still crying. We are starving. We eat with SS crying through the monitor and TB pulling at our pantlegs under the table. THe food is awful. The sushi, the worst I have had. Thank goodness for wine.
9:30- SS stops crying. Duke rocks TB to sleep. I go take a bath.... and shave....Weeeeeeeee!
10:15- I pick up my first copy of Southern Living (not really my style but a gift from MIL for my Bday.....obviously trying to tell me something). TB is now asleep. I tell the Duke he has 15 min to come upstairs or I am going to sleep.
10:30- Duke promptly gets upstairs after putting down baby, feeding dogs and turning off lights downstairs.
10:35- Start smooching.....but the lights are on....and I am self conscious about my newly deflated balloon boobs (depsite the fact that I am still nursing).
10:36-Turn off lights, crack blinds to let in beautiful moonlight. Much better.
10:37- Start smooching.
10:38- SS starts making noises in the monitor. Duke says to turn it off....start smooching. I say it's hard to get in the mood with a baby monitor blaring in your ear. EWE! I said blaring. We both get image of friend named Blair and quickly stop.
10:40- regain composure.
10:41- Smooching and running my fingers through new hair I mention how much I love it that I can see his handsome face again. The Duke says "Ok (insert Duke's mother's name)".
We both get the heebeejeebies, get out of bed and shake in disgust.
10:42- me- "Did you just call me your mom?.....while making out with me?"
D- "Um, let's not talk about this ever again"
Me- "Should we even try to resume this?"
D- "Well it is V-day"
10:50-Finally get past all akwardness. I tell Duke he has 10 mins and I am going to sleep.
11:22-Ok, so I'm not a clock watcher....
11:23- D-"That was the wierdest experience"
Me- "yes, but nice"
D- "Well of course it was."
Me- "Happy Vday. I love you"
D- "I love you too."
So, how was your V-day? Did he sweep you off your feet? I must live vicariously through my randy friends....
Friday, February 15, 2008
Valentines Day...the most romantic day of the year
Posted by
Duchess of Insanity
9:48 AM
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Yours was far more romantic than mine.
Children make romance so...different. Glad you got some lovin'. :)
I can sum mine up pretty easily. Hubby leans in to smooch me, I start to cough. I compose myself and we try again...I go into another coughing fit ending with a nice gag. We give up.
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