Thank you all for sharing your thoughts. They were kind and made me think a lot about what to do regarding my blogging situation. I was completely sold on ending this blog and moving all my random rants over to the family blog, and was OK with that, until something ridiculous happened this weekend that made me want to scream and explode in all directions. And I don't think I would feel comfortable venting it on the family blog with necessary expletives, because my entire extended family goes there to ooh and awe over those aliens we call offspring.
Last week, on trash day (Monday) a diaper was dropped across the street and one house down. It was more on the other side of the street than ours, but one could perceive it as being in the "middle of the road". When driving by said diaper on Tuesday, I made an effort to glance at the offending trash to see if our trash had been flung down and over yonder. It was not our diaper. The diaper was very obviously a Luvs or a Pampers. ...and we are 100% Huggies Supreme users. I didn't think much about it aside from noting that I would pick it up next time I'm outside without babes in arms (usually never), because it would be bad for an animal to get hold of it and get sick on the inside little balls of stuff. But I forgot about it, and went on with life.
Fast forward to yesterday. Previously mentioned stinky diaper, complete with tire tracks, shows up on our lawn inside a Walmart bag with this message. "Dispose of your diapers properly" (obviously in female handwriting). WTF?????
What kind of people do this? What kind of freakish neighbors do we have that pick up other people's trash and hurl it into a neighbor's yard with a nasty note attached?
Let me point out here that we did look at the diaper AGAIN to confirm the brand and size. It was a size 3 Pampers. (My children wear size 4-5 Huggies). So, again....NOT OUR STINKING DIAPER!!!
What really pisses me of is that this person thinks so highly of their neighborly the point of hurling other people's poop on our lawn, just assuming that since we have the majority of the kids on the block that it must be ours. What grade are these people in? Did someone in high school wrong them?
Let me also say that if I had been close to the diaper and noticed someone dropped it, I would have kindly picked it up for them and tossed it because:
A. They most likely dropped it on accident
B. New parents are busy and could use any hand they can get
So back to my first point. Who does this? And what can I do to avenge my pride? The Duke says just drop it...but that is like accepting that it was our diaper and we purposely dropped it in the middle of the street just to be spiteful non-Earth loving people. I am so angry I could scream....but that would just make me a noisy neighbor. And then I would be JUST like my next-door neighbor (who BTW I could bet money did this in the first place).
The nerve of some people!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dirty diaper diaries
Posted by
Duchess of Insanity
1:21 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Something to think about
Ok, so I'm a mom of three....and I'm busy. I started this blog as a way to vent all the frustrations of the world of mom in a private, annonymous environment. Yet, it quickly became not so annonymous. And then I felt like I couldn't really vent because people would come to know me as a complainer. Or an unhappy person. And I don't want that.
I love my life. I am married to my best friend. I have God in my life. I am healthy. I have a great family. I have 3 beautiful children. I have friends around me at every corner I turn. Why in the world would I need to complain?
I have also noticed that I don't keep up on blogs as much as I would like to. Not that I don't have anything to say, maybe I have too much and can't put it in words on a page. Life is coming at me too quickly. I am going here...I am going there.
I looked over at my beautiful Tinkerbel today sitting in the chair, watching TV ever so eloquently and I saw this 6 year old girl in her place. Not that she's going on 6...I know that, but she looked so grown up. I could see her 6 year old face shining through, and these intelligent knowing eyes. It scared me. It was an all too painful reminder that they grow up too fast.
My point with this is that I am considering halting this blog, and moving it over to my family blog. There I would have the mommy blog, complete with cute pics and great funny stories of my three caballeros...but I could also be me a little more....maybe.
I have also thought about supplementing that blog with a diet and exercise for real moms blog complete with all my food planning, grocery lists and weight loss ups and downs. That would help me journal, and may serve as an inspiration to others.
Any thoughts?
Posted by
Duchess of Insanity
9:46 PM
Monday, February 2, 2009
Getting away from it all...bad for your saddlebags....great for your marriage!
Hello royal subjects. It's been forever....and it feels like it too. I have had at least one sick kid/husband since Christmas, and finally Tinkerbell ended up with bronchitis which took all the rest of my free time giving nebulizer treatments. I am happy to say, we are all healthy now. Phew! (fingers crossed)
Life on the healthy wagon was going quite well. Despite sick children I have averaged 3 times at the gym per week. Most of our meals have been healthy, and I have felt like my jeans are getting loose. This past weekend my husband whisked me away to the Texas hill country (without children...courtesy of Mom and Dad) to the town of Fredericksburg, and all hope was lost. Since the Duke is teaching our children to speak German, we thought it would be fun to immerse ourselves in German culture. Despite the rave reviews of steakhouses and Mexican restaurants, we opted for German food the whole time. And it was wonderful.
The first night we ate at Der Lindenbaum. It is said to be the "most authentic" German food in the town. We were were weary and hungry from road travel and were welcomed with a smile and a warm cozy table. The only thing on the menu I has ever heard of was sauerkraut. I ordered a beef and bell pepper dinner that was served with warm red cabbage and German potatoes. It was amazing! The flavors were unlike anything I have ever had. So I even agreed to eat German the rest of the weekend.
We stayed in a nice B&B in the heart of town, but was also very private. The whole day Saturday we shopped in the historic downtown shoppes, and enjoyed more German food, leisurely had afternoon coffee together, shopped some more, then went out to dinner together again. I don't think we have been together that much since our honeymoon. Most of you married folk are surely groaning, but something wonderful happened. We got each other's undivided attention all weekend. We enjoyed awe inspiring silence (we have 3 kids) and knowing glances. We got giddy like newlyweds. Where has all this been??
It's easy to get carried away in our roles as parents. But much like we are called to put God first in our lives, our spouses are to be right there at #2. Reconnecting has made us happier, better parents. We are very thankful to have had time like this. Hopefully we will be able to do similar things more regularly. My NY's resolution to put more care into my husband seems to be having a positive affect on me. He actually went to the gym with us as a family today. What a great surprise!
Posted by
Duchess of Insanity
8:20 PM