Thank you all for sharing your thoughts. They were kind and made me think a lot about what to do regarding my blogging situation. I was completely sold on ending this blog and moving all my random rants over to the family blog, and was OK with that, until something ridiculous happened this weekend that made me want to scream and explode in all directions. And I don't think I would feel comfortable venting it on the family blog with necessary expletives, because my entire extended family goes there to ooh and awe over those aliens we call offspring.
Last week, on trash day (Monday) a diaper was dropped across the street and one house down. It was more on the other side of the street than ours, but one could perceive it as being in the "middle of the road". When driving by said diaper on Tuesday, I made an effort to glance at the offending trash to see if our trash had been flung down and over yonder. It was not our diaper. The diaper was very obviously a Luvs or a Pampers. ...and we are 100% Huggies Supreme users. I didn't think much about it aside from noting that I would pick it up next time I'm outside without babes in arms (usually never), because it would be bad for an animal to get hold of it and get sick on the inside little balls of stuff. But I forgot about it, and went on with life.
Fast forward to yesterday. Previously mentioned stinky diaper, complete with tire tracks, shows up on our lawn inside a Walmart bag with this message. "Dispose of your diapers properly" (obviously in female handwriting). WTF?????
What kind of people do this? What kind of freakish neighbors do we have that pick up other people's trash and hurl it into a neighbor's yard with a nasty note attached?
Let me point out here that we did look at the diaper AGAIN to confirm the brand and size. It was a size 3 Pampers. (My children wear size 4-5 Huggies). So, again....NOT OUR STINKING DIAPER!!!
What really pisses me of is that this person thinks so highly of their neighborly the point of hurling other people's poop on our lawn, just assuming that since we have the majority of the kids on the block that it must be ours. What grade are these people in? Did someone in high school wrong them?
Let me also say that if I had been close to the diaper and noticed someone dropped it, I would have kindly picked it up for them and tossed it because:
A. They most likely dropped it on accident
B. New parents are busy and could use any hand they can get
So back to my first point. Who does this? And what can I do to avenge my pride? The Duke says just drop it...but that is like accepting that it was our diaper and we purposely dropped it in the middle of the street just to be spiteful non-Earth loving people. I am so angry I could scream....but that would just make me a noisy neighbor. And then I would be JUST like my next-door neighbor (who BTW I could bet money did this in the first place).
The nerve of some people!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dirty diaper diaries
Posted by
Duchess of Insanity
1:21 PM
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Yeah, that would be hard for me to let go too. There is nothing worse that getting blamed for something that you didn't do and have no way to defend yourself. Too bad you don't know who wrote the note, you could leave them one of your dirty diapers so they could clearly see that the one left in the street wasn't yours!! LOL. I am so kidding, I would never do that... or would I?
Ugh! I HATE not being able to set people straight when they are so rude and uninformed. Mr. S would say to let it go, too.
I would SO want find out who left it and confront them!
I'm sure someone will leave a much more mature comment on how to handle this. But I totally understand girl!
I'm not the mature commenter. I think you should go out in the night and cover their windshield with clean diapers (taped on) of your particular choice. :)
What freaks.
OMG!!!! I so do not use "OMG" but it is so warranted in this case. I HATE stuff like that because you really can't make it right. And if it is your next door neighbor, do you really want more conflict with her? I just know my neighbors think we are running down all the property values in the neighborhood with our kids and unkempt yard (oh wait, they are probably blaming Bush, not me) but thankfully no one leaves notes to that effect! I would be so beside myself. FREAKS!!!! Who has time to act like that??!!!!
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