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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A moment of brilliance

So as you can see by the last post, I have been feeling irritated for some time. There are other things going on too that are troublesome (health issues)...and I am beginning to realize they might all be related. I received a random email on Monday with a subject line "Your thyroid may be causing your heart disease". Well, I don't have heart disease, but I read on. Turns out, your thyroid (or lack of it) can royally screw you up. So I googled hypothyroid and found all of these sites with natural remedies, symptoms, cures, causes. I have been hooked for the last two days reading them all.

After studying, it turns out that I have EVERY SINGLE hypothyroid symptom:

Less stamina than others
Less energy than others
Long recovery period after any activity
Inability to hold children for very long
Arms feeling like dead weights after activity
Low Grade Depression
Often feeling cold
Cold hands and feet
Hard stools
No eyebrows or thinning outer eyebrows
Dry Hair
Hair Loss
Dry cracking skin
Requires naps in the afternoon
Air Hunger (feeling like you can’t get enough air)
Inability to concentrate or read long periods of time
Foggy thinking
Inability to lose weight
Always gaining weight
Moody periods
Excruciating pain during period
Aching bones/muscles
Bumps on legs
Acne on face and in hair
Breakout on chest and arms
Exhaustion in every dimension–physical, mental, spiritual, emotional
Complete lack of motivation
Slowing to a snail’s pace when walking up slight grade
Extremely crabby, irritable, intolerant of others
Handwriting nearly illegible
Broken/peeling fingernails
Dry skin or snake skin
Major anxiety/worry
Ringing in ears
Lactose Intolerance
Joint pain
Varicose Veins
Dizziness from fluid on the inner ear
Low body temperature
Tightness in throat; sore throat
Swollen lymph glands
Allergies (which can also be a result of low cortisol–common with hypothyroid patients)
Headaches and Migraines
Sore feet, painful soles of feet
a cold bum

That's an exhaustive list of symptoms said to be experienced by people with hypothyroid...AND people on medicine for it. Nice hunh???? Not really treating your thyroid problem...are they?

Then I found a site that links mercury poisoning to a shut down of the thyroid gland. AND the biggest cause for this is dental fillings. I have fillings...and they are metal. I could have this.

I searched for, and found, some natural remedies for both mercury poisoning and thyroid problems and happened across the Fybromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Centers in Dallas. They are offering free thyroid screenings for anyone who "qualifies". My last thyroid check was "within normal limits" but most Drs only do a 3 point test. These Drs use a 6 point test. I was also informed that to not be "within normal limits" and throw up a red flag to your physician on a standard thyroid test you have to be the sickest of the sick. These were my qualification questions:

  • Have you have an unexplained weight gain of 10 pounds or more? Check!
  • Is your body temperature low-97.8 or lower? Mine after exercise yesterday was 97.2
  • Is your hair dry or thinning? Oh yeah! Just installed a new shower drain to catch it.
  • Are you extremely fatigued? Yes. I got 9 hours of sleep last night and am still beat.
  • Are you on thyroid medication? Nope. Remember I am "within normal limits"
  • Do you have muscle/joint pain? Does a bear poop in the woods. Um, yes.

So I qualify for this test. I will get my blood work done and find out within a week if anything is wrong. I am sad that something could be wrong with me, but happy to know I am on a path to nail it down and get better.

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Oh, man! I am sorry you are having all those problems. But glad you will be looking into it.