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Monday, November 3, 2008

Business as usual

Wow, has it really been that long since I posted? Things have been crazy. We have been through two rounds of runny green noses...and I'm finally starting to recognize that Sunshine's is most likely allergy related. This girl LOVES taking medicine...but not Claritin. She can even tell it's the Claritin before tasting or smelling it and starts slowly backing away from me. So the noses continue to flow.

I stepped in at the 11th hour to sing for a friend who is the new director of our local community chorus. They were a little short on altos, and I was happy to help. But...I was very disturbed by the audience...or lack of it. For a church that is a "proud sponsor of..." there was no one there except our music director and a few choir members. No clergy, no vestry, nothing. It was just wrong. Not only does the church "support" this choir, but the director is a member of the church. Certainly if not to support the group...why not him? Oh well. Par for the course lately. I'm starting to sense that no one has time for anything but themselves these days. In fact, I have trimmed my friend list accordingly. Sounds rude right? But seriously, why waste time over someone who always takes? We all should take time to give. Good friendships have a little push and a little pull...give and take...and of course SHARE!

Anyway, enough of that. It was so nice to be genuinely thanked and appreciated for once. The members of the group were so kind and generous saying I will always have a place to come back and sing. Being a SAHM, feeling appreciated for something I did is a concept from my past. I loaded the dishwasher 10 times last week (and unloaded), took out 7 bags of trash, changed hundreds of diapers, washed 12 loads of laundry (that no one has bothered to put away)...all without anyone saying "Hey MOM!!! Thanks for the clean undies! It's nice to not go to school smelling like dirt." LOL Does anyone ever really hear that? Ha! I'm not complaining...I chose my path and I enjoy being here for my kids....but it is a thankless job of never-ending to-do lists.

Another reason I have been busy is that I started my own business. Not really. It wasn't my idea. I'm just taking someone else's idea and bringing it to the Dallas area for the first time. It's a foreign language program for kids.'s very exciting! I work mostly from home, but I do venture out to check out sites for holding classes, and to interview teachers. I think I have amazing candidates. Just wish I could find more qualified Spanish teachers. Who would have thought that would be so hard in Texas? I can't wait to see them actively teaching little ones. It's a fun job....but highly stressful at this point since I don't know how the idea is going to go over in this area. Most parents I talk to want for their children (and themselves) to learn a second language. But sadly these same parents are feeling the stress of a slow economy.

So wish me luck. Our classes kick off in January!


Mary Beth said...

I hated to miss the concert. I was at a 4:00 meeting at Incarnation for Fr. David.

Good luck with the business!


I know that feeling of being unappreciated. And it is very challenging. I have been drawing a lot of strength from Titus 2 and knowing that giving to my kids and husband is exactly what the Lord loves to see us doing (even if they NEVER say "thank you.") Much luck in your new endeavors with the language program!