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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mother of the year?

In the past week I:

-forgot to bring cookies to a teacher appreciation banquet at 2's preschool. It was my first function to help out with since she started. Yay me. Way to make an impression.

-let my toddlers eat sweet potato fries and natural cheetos for lunch

-forgot to take 1's lunch to school after promising

-turned the monitor off in the middle of the night when 3 was whining

-gave 3 adult anbesol for cutting teeth just to get some P&Q (baby oragel is a joke)

-fed family pizza twice

-procrastinated on making a ticket box for #1s carnival. It was taken to the booth 15 mins late. They were using a paper bag....(Did I mention that I am the room mother for his class? This was my first task.)

So sign me up for mom of the year! Do I get a trophy with that?

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Oh, honey, don't be too hard on yourself. My poor mom used to forget to pick us up from stuff...scouts, lessons, whatever. She had WAY, and I mean WAY too much on her plate including 2 special needs kids, working, etc.

I am not irreparably scarred from waiting at the Brownie Hut. I hope she is not either. :)

All shall be well.