Or should I say how long can a mommy go without sleep?
Tinkerbell has had colic since she was about 4 weeks. It wasn't too bad at first. She was fussy in the evenings. This lasted usually from 6:30 in the evening until 9:30. Then it would stop and she would sleep well (usually from 11-4:30 Am). I was stressed, but I was sleeping a little and I knew this was only temporary. This kept me a little sane. My other babies have had cranky times too. It's normal. Sometimes babies just need to cry.
However...the last few nights have been hell. She starts earlier and cries later. I can't console her. Rocking, bouncing, driving, swinging only seems to take the pain away temporarily and then it's back...with a vengeance! Last night, I about lost my mind. She started around 4:30 yesterday. I dropped the girls off with mom so I could take Drama to soccer. She was crying when we left for soccer, and when we returned. Starting at 9, she cried until 4 AM. Yes, there were 15 minute breaks here and there where she took little catnaps...but I basically had to be on my feet all night. It was horrible to see her in what seemed to be so much pain.
I love my baby so much, but this period of colic is really pushing me to levels I never knew existed and testing my parenting skills in ways that just aren't fair. Nothing is aimed towards the baby. It's not her fault. She is a beautiful and wonderful baby that is just extremely sensitive. I have so many ugly feelings that surface and surround me day by day now.
My two other children do not get even half of the time they deserve from their mommy anymore. I tend to snap at DK and just deal with Sunshine enough to get her daily needs taken care of. But there is not enough play, not enough comfort, not enough mommy to go around these days. And I feel horrible for this. They deserve better from me. At least DK can understand to some point what is going on, but poor Sunshine...she just wants mommy. Which brings me to...
Mr. Five is taking on the role of playing and caring for a lot of Sunshine's needs. It's great, but I see her developing a special relationship with him that makes me feel like an outsider.
I'm also jealous of the sleep Mr. F is getting. No fair. When I am up for walking or feeding I hear him snoring and I just want to hit him. And that's not normal. Is it?
I'm angry at the situation. I'm angry at Mr. F for not helping around the house more when it is obvious I need it. I'm angry that I have lost my evenings. I don't do sing anymore or go out with friends much. I have no life. I'm angry I can't just sit back and enjoy my last newborn knowing I will never have another so sweet and little. I'm angry that I can't be a better mom to my other kids. Angry that I can't make it better for TB, that I can't comfort my baby...the one thing I should be able to do better than anyone.
Over my house. The laundry piles up. Sunshine (my little Texas Tornado) pulls everything off of counters and drops them on the floor. DK and Mr. Five are just as bad. They leave dishes out and clothes on the floor and despite my constant nagging will not pull their weight around here. I am too exhausted to deal with the grocery store so I find that I never have what I need in the house for feeding my family. I just can't get my darn house clean!
I know all of this will pass in time as her digestive system becomes more mature and things will be peachy one day. But right now it's affecting my sanity, my children, my marriage and it's so terribly hard. Out of desperation I finally called the Dr this morning and begged them to help me figure this out. I as in tears with the nurse. I have already tried giving up dairy, caffeine, and all cruciferous vegetables. They want to take a look at her this afternoon to make sure she is otherwise healthy since sister had a sinus infection not too long ago. I hope they find a way to make her feel better, for her, for me, for my family.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
How long can a baby cry???
Posted by
Duchess of Insanity
11:49 AM
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I think wanting to hit a snoring husband is entirely normal. Perhaps more normal if you wanted to hit him with a baseball bat...
Any chance you could get some household help? Any?
Can I babysit? I could sit with TB and let you play with S....I can listen to a crying baby but I cannot make it stop. :( I think you have to actually give birth for that...like being able to read a fever thru the palm of your hand...
P told us last night that TB had croup. I thought, "Uh, really? I don't think so!" Croup is much less noisy than what you're going thru.
PS: I am not kidding, about babysitting. I could come over one evening, say this weekend, and y'all could all go to a Disney movie or DK could go on a spend the night and you and Mr F could have some you time, or you and TB could play itsy bitsy spider...
no kids here...
and Mr. P is doing the Galleria. Forever. (doesn't that sound like Debbie Does Dallas?)
I'm with MB, it'd be more normal if you wanted to hit Mr. F with a bat.
Sweety, I know it's easier said than done, but I would SO wake up Mr. Swizzle if I was in your situation. Wake him up, hand him the baby and go to another room or the couch with earplugs to get some sleep.
There is NOTHING like exhaustion. Mr. F doesn't get how you feel because, besides just being a guy, he doesn't feel your level of exhaustion. Exhaustion makes every single one of the other things you are feeling ten times worse. As Donna told me "sleep deprivation is used as a torture device." Think about it.
I know the laundry and the guilt pile up. Feeling like your are not giving the other two enough. But you're right, this won't last and the most important thing for you and, therefore the rest of your family, right now is grabbing sleep wherever and whenever you can.
The one(!) night that I was at my mom's this summer when Sparkle kept me up all night, I felt alone and totally without help. If Mr. S had been there, he would have been awake too, one way or another. I had several horrible thoughts go through my head and wanted to run screaming into the night. And that was only one night and she wasn't screaming, she was just hopped up on decongestant.
Really, everything you are feeling is normal. It is not abnormal by any stretch to expect help from Mr. F, day and night. He's in this, too.
Stepping off soapbox now.
And, and! Mr. F. didn't just have 18 babies in 2 years! or whatever it was.
So he needs to step UP!
You guys are really funny. :) He has been helping me out with Sunshine all the time when he can....and watching both girls when he is home so I can burn off some steam at the gym.
I know that I am useless to you on weekdays since I get home from work so close to the kids bedtime, but I am happy to take a tot or two off your hands on a weekend. I'll even help you clean the kitchen and I'm a whiz at laundry (since I'm the only one at my house that does it haha). Use and abuse me now before I get kids of my own and you have to talk me down off a bridge. :-)
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